Posts Tagged ‘awesome’

“Its a female Shawshank Redemption, directed by Michael Bay!”

7 July, 2010

This is classic. As a huge fan of the Vampire Lesbian movement of the sixties, I must say, this is awesome.


24 June, 2010

Atom Punk For the Day…

8 March, 2010

Ever been to the Wonders of Life Exhibit at Epcot in Disney World? This place is like ground zero for retrofuturism.

If my memory serves me correctly, and I think it does, this whole area of Epcot exhumes the perfect atmosphere of a blend of great exhibits from the the 80s that were, at one time, cutting edge. I believe the exhibit, unfortunately, closed in January of ’07, but it was definitely an awesome experience, culminating in the “thrill ride” Body Wars.

Just looks at that double helix in all its awesome glory. To be honest, I guess the exhibit is a little late in the 20th century to be considered “Atomic” but its still got that great retrofuturist ambience that was very much still around in the 80s.

Shameless Plug…

19 January, 2010

Why Ed O’Brien is Awesome…

19 January, 2010

Part, I dunno, VI, I think? Anyway, here are a few more great examples of Ed’s guitar work (and work as a badass, in general):

As you can plainly see, Ed has written an amazing guitar part that creates the entire ambiance and atmosphere in this song, which is the most important part of ‘Let Down’. If you were to strip away the vocals, this song would have the exact same effect, emotionally, that’s a feat in and of itself in rock music. Also, getting that tone of a Rickenbacker is amazing.

Hey, I’m On a Roll…

15 January, 2010

To keep with the British music theme of this morning (Apparently) here’s one of the best riffs ever. Period. Way to go John Squire, between you, Duane Allman and Derek Trucks I don’t think I’ll try to learn slide guitar. I just couldn’t live up to this standard…

Why Ed O’Brien is Awesome…

28 December, 2009

Seriously, Ed makes this song. Also, what the hell is wrong with the editors/producer of these kinds of live broadcasts? They never show the people who are soloing unless its the frontman…

Awesomely Hilarious…

3 November, 2009

Good times with the dude from Shaun of the Dead that wasn’t Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Chris Martin or the dude who was Darth Maul’s voice.

Hilarious. And True.

29 October, 2009

This. Looks. Awesome…

11 August, 2009


31 July, 2009

At first I thought Kristen Stewart was awesome for poking a little fun at her own fans, then I thought she was cool when she acted like a normal person on the red carpet, and then I thought the fact that she drinks and smokes cigarettes solidified her as one of the few celebrity women who are actually cool and good looking at the same time. Barring the fact that she is only 19, I’d say she’s pretty cool, but now after this:

Picture 3

Is she really wearing a Minor Threat t shirt? Like, is this a prop from the movie she is making or did she buy it at Hot Topic thinking she was cool or something? Because if not, than that is just plain awesome…

Totally True…

29 July, 2009

I just watched a movie called Definitely, Maybe (I’m big on movies that are a couple years old for some reason, lately) and I thought it was going suck huge balls… and it didn’t. It was good, not Oscar-worthy good (not that that means anything anyway…) but enjoyable, different, interesting and entertaining. Not to mention it was well shot and acted.

Here’s a snippet of a good review from BDK:

I am totally guilty. You can throw me in a court room and convict me because I am totally and completely guilty of thinking this movie was going to be the same old romantic comedy BS that we have been seeing for years. I saw one trailer for the movie and found out that it was coming out on Valentine’s Day and automatically pigeon held the film to a crappy romantic comedy. Well, I was pleasantly surprised with the stellar cast and the amazingly clever dialogue and story. I know that most of the people who hear my reviews are going to be men; considering I do reviews for the Junkies and most of our audience is men. Let me tell you though; don’t let this movie shy you away because of its mediocre trailers. I remember seeing a TV trailer for it and there was a quote from a critic and he said that this was the best romantic comedy he had seen since ANNIE HALL. I almost jumped out of the window because I hold Woody Allen in high regards and Annie Hall is definitely one of the best romantic comedies of all time. Definitely, Maybe is definitely NOT ANYWHERE NEAR as good as Woody Allen’s film but it is safe to say that it is one of the best romantic comedies I have seen in a long time. Definitely, Maybe stars Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder, Blade: Trinity), Isla Fisher (Hot Rod, Wedding Crashers), Abigail Breslin (No Reservations, Little Miss Sunshine), Kevin Kline (In and Out), Rachel Weiscz (The Constant Gardner, The Fountain—married to my boy Darren Aronofsky, director of Requiem For a Dream, Pi) and Derek Luke (Catch a Fire)…

…Overall, this is the perfect romantic comedy that leaves most of the clichés out. One thing I hate is when all these romantic comedies just run with the clichés and the montages. The writers did a great job keeping the film intense and leaving the audience guessing. Now, this is not giving anything away, but one of my favorite things about the film was how it ended. That is one reason why I really liked The Break Up with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. It ended in non-cliché way; in the same vein as Casablanca. I am not saying that Definitely, Maybe has a similar ending. I am just saying it did not end all cliché like every other romantic comedy does.

I really enjoyed the clever dialogue and banter between Ryan Reynolds and Abigail Breslin. They did an excellent job together on screen. They are both good actors and I hope to see more from both of them soon.

I feel that the film is the perfect matinee film, hence the 4 BDK rating. They actually are releasing a good romantic comedy on Valentine’s Day. This is good because guys do not have to suffer because their girlfriends want to see a romantic comedy. This movie will make you laugh and in my case get teary eyed. You can call me gay all you want but we all have an emotional side and guys can show that too…

The trailers definitely don’t do it any justice, it makes it look like the crappy romantic comedy I thought it would be. Completely different in my opinion. Most of the critics seem to agree as well

So Simple…

27 July, 2009

I don’t think anyone will ever be able to explain our universe better than Carl Sagan…

I Miss This Show, A Lot…

24 July, 2009

HGTV used to show this program all the time back when I was in college, now its never on. Not cool… Also, the original host was cooler…

My Glorious Bounty…

9 July, 2009


Behold, what $8.48 will buy you at White Castle, in other words, awesomest lunch adventure ever…

I Hear It…

15 June, 2009

Amybody hear a little Jeff Buckley in this new track?

There We Go…

5 June, 2009

I figured JM was trying to be more rock oriented having heard snippets and all that off of his new Album, Battle Studies, I think this proves that theory correct. Also, it proves he is still one of the coolest motherfuckers ever…

My God…

3 June, 2009

I’ve heard of Céu before, I even have a couple songs but I must say, she’s both ridiculously good-looking and talented…


28 May, 2009

I am not too fond of newer British bands (actually, most new bands in general…), but these guys are fucking sweet. What is it with Manchester bands? They have like a 9 out of 10 chance of being good by just picking up instruments and playing randomly. That, and these guys seem to get the whole rock aesthetic thing like other Manc bands. They look like they care…


20 May, 2009

Today, I opened my mailbox and, to my surprise, it was like Christmas. Not only did a movie from my netflix queue arrive, but there was my new issue of This Old House, a coupon for free delivery for pizza (ok, that’s a stretch) and my Johnny Marr and The Healers CD has arrived.

To put it simply, Johnny Marr is already awesome, throw in Zak Starkey and that dude from Kula Shaker and you have something that blows my mind. Boomslang sounds like the missing link between early Oasis and Heathen Chemistry Oasis. Its great.


13 May, 2009

He’s right… I do like the riff more than the band…


12 May, 2009

Remember this gem of a pop song? Genius.

Hahaha, Priceless…

12 May, 2009

Simply put, this is awesome…

PS, who’s Deborah Gibson?

Oh Yeah…

28 April, 2009

This is heaven for me…


Pure Cool…

25 March, 2009

Sting at The Secret Policeman’s Other Ball…